OOPrinciples SOLID
2009. 11. 23. 09:10 가상- 상세 설계나, 디자인 설계 과정에서
SOLID part 1: Single Responsibility Principle
"There can be only one reason for a class to change."
- 분할통치(Divide and Rule)라고도 함.
- 실제로 복잡한 부분을 추상화하는 것이 핵심
- 클래스의 행위를 한 문장으로 기술해 보는 것이 이 원칙을 적용하는데 도움이 됨.
- 클래스의 재사용성 향상, 클래스가 간단해져 유지보수성 향상, fine-grained 설계 촉진, 테스트 용이
SOLID part 2: Open/Closed Principle
"Classes and methods should be open for extension but closed for modification."
이 원칙을 따르는 사례
- programming to an interface, not an implementation
- template method pattern
- iterator pattern
- Every good pattern resemble the OCP
- extending behavior without cluttering a base unit
- OCP를 달성하는데 Encapsulation가 도움됨
- OCP forces decoupled and extendable code
SOLID part 3: Liskov Substitution Principle
"Every function or method which expects an object parameter of class A must be able to accept a subclass of A as well, without knowing it."
- 하위 클래스는 언제나 원래 클래스로 대체될 수 있어야 함
- 상속은 Is-A 관계일 때만
SOLID part 4: Interface Segregation Principle
"Classes should not depend on interfaces that they not use."
- small interface
- small interface -> less polluted interface -> simplicity of implementation -> less methods -> less tests and less interaction which can cause bugs
- much more cohesive
SOLID part 5: Dependency Inversion Principle
"High level classes should not depend on low level classes. Both should depend upon abstractions. Details should depend upon abstractions. Abstractions should not depend upon details."
- The purpose of this principle is to enable decoupling of software modules.
- The problem with dependency is the transitivity.
- dependency injection을 이용하여 testability를 높인다.
※ 자료출처 : <딱딱하고 재미없게 살아가기>
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